Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Silly me for thinging...

Well I finally made it back here to post ,I did have all the intentions to post everyday but life was just life! The lost days were spent trying to get conformations from folks on a upcoming project not a easy thing to do when some folks are gun ho and others just stop returning your calls and emails...not used to working like that and it just pissed me off more and more each time I tried to contact them and get back zip...Well we will just have to work around the problems and get back on track!
I was very sad to have just read that SEN.KENNEDY passed away a few hours ago. He was like a brother,a son ,a father ,a uncle to many folks..but to me he was just a friend who I'll miss
Also I thought about all the programs and bills and resolutions he helped to get passed into law that have touched millions of AMERICANS...
He was one of a few Senators that could work on both sides of the isle.He will be missed by many ,he will be missed by me.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It's about time...

Well this only took me 3 year's to do.Every day I read ton's of blogs and have always said to myself I can do this but never followed Thu with the action part .Once again Google saved me! After reading the "how to get started " info I could no longer say that I didn't know how, so here I go...

The name of my blog is a little insight to how I perceive things around me. When I was younger someone close to me said that I always had "rose colored glasses on" and that wasn't a good thing to her. I always looked at the world in ways that let me do whatever I wanted and justified the stuff I was doing and think nothing about it.It was all good to me so it must be good for everyone else. After about 20 odd years of thinking and living that way, I had a wake up call.

As I looked behind me it was as if a atomic bomb had went off and boy had I made a mess of not just my life but of most of the people , place's and things I had come into contact with ! I guess seeing all the havoc I had caused made me stop and take stock of the way I looked at the world and all the things in it .As my friend later told me I had finally removed the "glasses" and started to see things as they really were. It was time to try and fix the blast zone ,I figured it would take a couple of weeks and all would be well in the world.

Well that was around 1992 and I'm still finding thing that need fixing.Well the good news is I'm not going to spend the next 15 odd years recounting everything ,but I'll use the lessons that I learned and where taught by the people that have touched me since then to look at the world and talk about it with anyone who finds this blog and hopefully we can discuss and /or debate the things that are going on around us .I hope you will join me as I've learned that I can still be taught new things (hopefully with a open mind) and now.....LET THE SHOW BEGIN.